Process of forming Hong Kong companies

  1. Customers provide new company name in Chinese or in English(Hong Kong direct line query is 15 minutes), provide directors and shareholders of the valid identity card or passport copy(Shareholders at least one person 18 years old, NO nationality restriction).
  2. Registered capital: The minimum registered capital of HK Co., Ltd. is HK$10,000 and no verification, no upper limit; Required to pay 0.1% Government stamp duty of the registered capital of the domestic stamp duty(e.g.:Registered capital of 10 million Hong Kong dollars, to pay the stamp duty 100; registered capital of 100 million Hong Kong dollars, to pay stamp duty of 1,000).
  3. Proof of identity directors to provide shareholders(Photocopy of identity card or passport), shareholders equity allocation ratio, the domestic telephone and communications address.
  4. Registered Hong Kong company process:
    First sign delegate contracts;
    The total cost of delivery
    and then scan or fax the information back to us by the Company pursuant to a statutory arrangement information file; the last word of your legal profile signing the original delivery to Hong Kong for processing.
  5. Hong Kong companies combined: Director at least one shareholder(can be any nationality), a secretary(who must be registered in Hong Kong or Hong Kong Ltd.).
  6. Hong Kong Company Secretary: to be appointed by the company secretarial duties: Provide the statutory duties, company law and accounting tax advice committee opinion.
  7. Examined the Annual Report: Hong Kong company need declare to the Inland Revenue Department and Companies Registry each year and renewal as wellabout HK$555 for Government Charge, this fee is adjusted with the government floating.