Register USA Co.

English Name of Company (公司英文名稱):Eng co name must be provided
State of Incorporation(洲份):
State of Incorporation cannot be empty
choose one at least
Authorized Capital(註冊資本):**For Corporation: Share Capital US$: cannot be empty**For LLC: 100 Member units: cannot be emptyOther must be provided
Business Address (營業地址):):Business Address cannot be empty
Director & Shareholder(Minimum 1 director & shareholder)
at least provide one director & shareholder name
董事 Director   /  股東 Shareholder   /  最終擁有人 Beneficial owner
Surname 姓:Given Name 名:
Passport/ID No.
Occupation 職業:
Number of Share allot 所持有之股份數目為:
Home Address 住址:
董事 Director   /  股東 Shareholder   /  最終擁有人 Beneficial owner
Surname 姓:Given Name 名:
Passport/ID No.
Occupation 職業:
Number of Share allot 所持有之股份數目為:
Home Address 住址:
Company Secretary 秘書 (Must item):
Name 姓名:Name cannot be empty
Passport/ID No.

Passport/ID No. cannot be empty
Occupation 職業:
Occupation cannot be empty
Home Address 住址:Home Address cannot be empty
I confirm that the above information is true and accurate, and you are authorised to supply such information for due diligence purpose to the Regulators concerned at your discretion. We agree with the standard terms and conditions of HKRL and undertake to notify HKRL of any future changes to the above information.
Important Notes: The above information is required by HKRL for compliance with the relevant anti-money laundering laws and will be kept in strict confidence. It will be released only if a proper request is received from a relevant authority.
Order by:
Order by cannot be empty
Email cannot be empty
Telephone cannot be empty
Fax cannot be empty
1. Residential Address Proof 住址證明 (Utility bill 水,電or 煤氣單, Bank Statement, etc…)
Please upload file
2. Director(s) and Shareholder(s) ID or Passport copy (董事和股東身份證明檔副本):
Please upload file

Confirm code: ( Reset ) Wrong code